Vital Sounds 2021, Quarter 1
Published on February 19, 2021
Registration Now Open for KAMMCO Spring Education Series
Registration for the 2021 KAMMCO Spring Education Webinar Series is now open. The presentations in this series provide an opportunity for busy health care professionals to receive education on issues relevant to today’s health care space. This year’s series consists of three, one-hour webinars presented by experienced and knowledgeable speakers. Information and registration for…
KAMMCO’s Online Learning Center: New Year, New Courses
Yolanda Sims, JD, MHAKAMMCO Loss Prevention and Risk Management Advisor KAMMCO’s Med-IQ 2021 online learning courses are clinically relevant, convenient, no-cost and easily accessible. Take a course free from distraction in the unique setting of your choice; be it at home, in the office or on the go. The new…
New Resources Highlighted from the Kansas Board of Healing Arts
Connie Christian, MBA, CPHRMKAMMCO Facility Risk Management & Patient Safety Advisor As you may be aware, the Kansas Board of Healing Arts (KSBHA) has been updating its website. This article highlights some of their recently updated information and resources for providers. COVID-19 Information Portal Located on the upper left side…
10 Quick Points to Know about the Proposed Modifications to the HIPAA Privacy Rule
Yolanda Sims, JD, MHAKAMMCO Loss Prevention and Risk Management Advisor On January 21, 2021, the Federal Register published a rule outlining proposed changes to the Privacy Rule with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). It would reduce administrative and regulatory burdens on providers while increasing patients’ ease of…
Litigation Limbo
Jennifer Sherber, JDKAMMCO Vice President of Claims The novel coronavirus (COVID-19) has suspended many court functions leaving uncertainty about how the resulting case backlog will be managed once operations return. In November 2020, many courts in Kansas and Missouri issued orders suspending jury trials and other proceedings, as well as…
The Blame Game
Donna Keil, BSN, RNKAMMCO Medical Records Manager & Medical Liability Analyst Why do we blame others? It’s no secret many of us take credit when things go well but blame circumstances or others when things go awry. It’s natural and proper to look for causes of problems especially when the…
No-Cost Infection Prevention Learning Series for Outpatient Setting
Enrollment is now open for physician offices, clinics, and other ambulatory settings to participate in a new statewide Infection Prevention Learning Action Network (LAN). This virtual learning series is offered by the Kansas Department of Health and Environment (KDHE) in partnership with the Kansas Healthcare Collaborative (KHC). The KDHE-KHC LAN…