Connie Christian, MBA, CPHRM

A new CME requirement by the Kansas State Board of Healing Arts (Board) has prompted KAMMCO to add new online learning courses to the 2022 Med-IQ curriculum.
KS Board of Healing Arts Requirement
The new CME requirement, K.A.R. 100-15-4 (d), is required for licensure. To allow for the transition, the Board won’t enforce the new requirement until 2022.
K.A.R. 100-15-4 (d) states: “Category III” continuing education shall mean an internet or live continuing education activity that also meets the requirements of either a category I or category II continuing education activity and meets at least one of the following content requirements:
- Acute or chronic pain management;
- The appropriate prescribing of opioids; or
- The use of prescription drug monitoring programs.
The schedule for the completion requirements is laid out in K.A.R. 100-15-5.
KAMMCO Plans New Online Courses in Response
In response to the additional Board CME requirement, KAMMCO will assist our member physicians in meeting the education requirement by adding appropriate CME education courses into our Med-IQ online learning platform to be available in February 2022.
More information and a link to sign-in to Med-IQ are available in the Med-IQ Online Learning Center.