Vital Sounds 2022, Quarter 1
Published on February 23, 2022
How We’re Different: The Benefits of the KAMMCO Approach to Claims
At KAMMCO, our advocacy-centered approach to claims defines and distinguishes us in the medical liability insurance marketplace. While other companies focus on settlements as a cost-cutting strategy, KAMMCO’s primary goal is protecting and advocating for our insured healthcare providers.
Announcing the 2022 Spring Education Webinars
Registration for the 2022 KAMMCO Spring Education Webinar Series is now open. The presentations in this series provide an opportunity for busy health care professionals to receive education on issues relevant to today’s health care space. This year’s series consists of three, one-hour webinars presented by experienced and knowledgeable speakers.
Federal and State Public Health Emergencies and Legislation in Review
The COVID-19 pandemic continues to have an outsized impact on the nation’s health. In response, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) renewed the Jan. 31, 2020 determination of a public health emergency (PHE), initially put in place on Jan. 27, 2020.
Aim for Cyber Resilience with KAMMCO’s New Cybersecurity Partnership
These days, the responsibility of staying on top of cyber-attacks, big data breaches, and security incidents is no easy task. It takes a herculean effort to ensure your company’s sensitive information remains safe, especially if you lack a dedicated IT department.
New Med-IQ Courses for 2022
KAMMCO continues to work diligently to offer risk management education programs relevant to our insured physicians, hospital administrators, risk managers, and others involved in the delivery of quality health care. This year, KAMMCO continues our partnership with Med-IQ to provide our insureds access to the Med-IQ Online Risk & Patient...
Cyber Safety is Patient Safety – HHS Launches New Cybersecurity Website
The Department of Health and Human Services launched a cyber website on Dec. 1 for its 405(d) Aligning Health Care Industry Security Approaches Program. The website offers health care providers and public health officials cybersecurity and patient safety resources.
Economic Impact of the Healthcare Sector
The Kansas Hospital Association is pleased to share with you the January 2022 report: The Importance of the Health Care Sector to the Kansas Economy. This report was authored by the Office of Local Government, K-State Research and Extension.
Healthcare Scholarships Available
If you know someone who is planning to attend college for a new healthcare degree or seeking a health care license, share this announcement about the Healthworks Health Care Scholarships today.