Registration for this year’s Loss Prevention program, “You’ve Been Served: The Anatomy of a Lawsuit,” is now open. The 2022 Loss Prevention Program page has full details about the program and how to participate.
Eligible insureds will earn a 5% loss prevention premium credit for participating in Loss Prevention. Continuing education credits are also available.
Three Ways to Participate
1) In-Person
There are two opportunities to attend the in-person Loss Prevention event. Join us at 6 p.m. for dinner, followed by the program from 6:30–7:30 p.m.
- Wednesday, August 17, from 6–7:30 p.m. (Topeka, KAMMCO Conference Center)
- Tuesday, August 30 from 6–7:30 p.m. (Wichita, Wichita Marriott)
2) Webinar
There are two opportunities to participate in the Loss Prevention program’s webinar version. You can join the webinar as an individual or as a group. For group viewing, fill out a Group Viewing Request Form.
- Tuesday, August 23, from 6–7 p.m.
- Thursday, September 1, from 12–1 p.m.
3) Online Course
Complete the Loss Prevention course available through the Med-IQ Online Learning Center.
- Available from August 1 through September 30 at 11:59 p.m.
Program Description, Objectives, and Audience
Program Description
The prospect of a medical professional liability (MPL) claim can elicit fear and anxiety for many healthcare providers. In this year’s Loss Prevention program, KAMMCO will provide a detailed and educational explanation of the processes involved in professional liability claims and litigation to assist providers and healthcare staff in alleviating their fears and facilitating constructive analysis and discussion. This education will also assist members in determining what actions or events may trigger an MPL claim and what communication and patient safety measures can help reduce risks. The overall goal is to give providers and staff accurate information to reduce fear of the unknown and empower them to apply this information to reduce risks of adverse patient experiences and limit their exposure to MPL claims.
Following participation in this program, the learner will be prepared to:
1. Identify the process of healthcare professional liability claims and litigation and recognize how those who evaluate claims view common patient care scenarios.
2. Describe the implementation of preventative actions and tools available to protect healthcare providers from potential liability.
3. Discuss how the KAMMCO Claims team and peer support work to help providers receive individualized emotional and legal support during a lawsuit to maintain their health and well-being when claims occur.
4. Evaluate each person’s role in the professional liability claim and how that role may affect the outcome of the claim.
Program Audience
This program is designed for the healthcare team, including physicians, clinic managers, hospital and facility administrators, risk managers, nurses, long-term care providers, and healthcare professionals.
If you have any questions, email Jacqueline Grunau at jgrunau@kammco.com.