Vital Sounds 2023, Quarter 1
Published on February 21, 2023
Tips from the Trenches: The Value of Standing Your Ground
In high damages cases, a common tactic is to trigger the fear of a jury verdict in excess of the health care provider’s malpractice insurance coverage. Learn how a KAMMCO insured physician won their case by standing firm.
Expand Your Knowledge and Earn CE and Premium Credit in 2023 with Med-IQ
KAMMCO's partnership with Med-IQ provides our members access to specialty-specific online risk management education. Eligible members can take new courses in 2023 receive CE and annual premium credit.
Cybersecurity Remains Top of Mind for Healthcare Organizations, For Good Reason
Is your organization creating a culture of cybersecurity? Better yet, is your cyber strategy aligned with your business strategy? Cybersecurity experts in the healthcare industry continue to ring the alarm and encourage healthcare leadership to make cybersecurity a business priority.
“Must Read” Alerts for All Healthcare Providers Caring for Pregnant Patients
The Joint Commission recently released two alerts that are "must reads" for our health care providers who care for pregnant patients.
You Asked, We Listened: Spring Education 2023
The three sessions we've planned for this year's Spring Education series highlight topics you told us you want to know more about.
Kansas Healthcare Collaborative Webinar: “Office Hours” and 2023 Summit on Quality
KHC provides opportunities for those in the health care space to connect and learn from one another. Here are a few of those opportunities.
Spring Events in 2023: We’ll See You There!
This spring, KAMMCO representatives will be attending events across the state. Check to see if we're going to be at an event you're attending.