Our risk management advisory team frequently receives questions from members on obtaining continuing education that meets the Kansas State Board of Healing Arts (KSBOA) “category III” requirement.
Kansas Board of Healing Arts’ Category III Requirement
The state regulation covering the continuing education requirements for Kansas physicians and physician assistants is K.A.R. 100-15-5. It explains that “category III” continuing education must meet at least one of the following content requirements: (1) Acute or chronic pain management; (2) The appropriate prescribing of opioids; or (3) The use of prescription drug monitoring programs.
Med-IQ Courses that Meet Category III
Through our online education partner, Med-IQ, KAMMCO members have access through the end of 2023 to two online risk management courses that meet the KSBOA category III requirement:
- “Drug Diversion in Healthcare: What Can You Do About It?”
- “Interdisciplinary Approaches to Safely Manage Opioid Analgesia”
For more information about Med-IQ, including instructions on accessing the site and a full list of the 2023 Med-IQ courses, go to the Med-IQ Online Learning Center page on the KAMMCO website.