When healthcare risk is well-managed, everyone wins. That’s why we offer our members financial incentives in the form of premium credits to take advantage of the risk management and loss prevention education we provide.
Eligible, individually insured KAMMCO and KAMMCO Casualty members and facilities can earn a credit of up to 7% on their premium for their 2024 policy renewal.
Loss Prevention = 5% Credit
By participating in the 2023 Loss Prevention program, our insureds receive a 5% premium credit. This applies to individually insured members.
For insured facilities to receive the 5% loss prevention credit, the facility administrator or risk manager must attend one of the events.
For information on participating in the Loss Prevention program, go to the 2023 Loss Prevention page on the KAMMCO website.
Med-IQ = 2% Credit
KAMMCO partners with Med-IQ to offer our members no-cost, online risk management courses. Eligible members have until September 30, 2023, to take at least one course from the 2023 Med-IQ Course List to receive a 2% premium credit. This is a one-time credit. Taking more than one course from the 2023 Med-IQ Course List does not earn additional premium credit.
In order for insured facilities to receive the 2% risk management credit, the facility administrator or risk manager must complete one of the Med-IQ courses.
2023 Med-IQ Course List
As a bonus, Med-IQ courses are accredited for continuing education credits (CME and CNE).
As a double bonus, the Drug Diversion and Opioid courses fulfill the Category III requirement for providers regulated under the Kansas State Board of Healing Arts.
For information on accessing Med-IQ and downloading continuing education certificates, go to the Med-IQ Online Learning Center page on the KAMMCO website.