By Yolanda Sims, JD, MHA
Loss Prevention and Risk Management Advisor

KAMMCO’s partnership with Med-IQ provides our members with a convenient, online, specialty-specific curriculum based on case studies that represent actual redacted medical professional liability claims. Our new courses explore important cross-disciplinary topics like documentation practices, disruptive patient behavior, disclosure and apology, and chronic pain management. Members are encouraged to review the courses under their specialty to increase new skills and expand their foundational knowledge. Eligible KAMMCO members who complete one course can earn risk management premium credit toward policy renewal each year. No-cost CME and CNE credit is also available.
Featured Courses in the Med-IQ Online Learning Center
- Documentation: Key Considerations
- Closing the Loop – Communication
- Patient Complaints: Proactive Service Recovery and De-escalation Strategies
- Managing Disruptive Patient Behavior: The Roots and the Risks
- Disclosure & Apology
- Moving to an Accountable Culture
Download the full list of courses by clicking the image below.
Receive a 2% Credit on Next Year’s Premium
Eligible members must take at least one of the courses below by September 30, 2024, to earn a 2% risk management premium credit toward their January 1, 2025 policy renewal.
Continuing Education Credits
Continuing education credits (CME and CNE) can be earned by completing any course at no cost to members. KAMMCO covers the fees for credits as a benefit to our provider members.
How to Access Med-IQ
To access your Med-IQ account, sign in or register at
You can also access this sign-in portal via the KAMMCO website. Use the Med-IQ tab in the top menu heading on the homepage.
The Med-IQ Online Learning Center page on the KAMMCO website provides more information on Med-IQ, including resources on requesting and printing CEU certificates.